Getting Started

**Stay tuned! Website upgrades are in progress. Please contact us if you have any questions in the meantime**

We have optimized the complex construction process into the steps outlined below. Our customer-focused approach will help to ensure you enjoy the process.


Step 1: Consultation

We are excited to meet you! We look forward to hearing about your vision and working with you to make it happen! In this first step, we will meet you and discuss your project goals. We will provide you with an initial project budget.


Step 2: Design

Have plans? We will work with you to review those and finalize details, including selections. No plans? No worries! Working closely with you, we will develop your project plans and finalize selections. Construction documents will be completed with project estimate.

Step 3: Pre- Construction

This is the phase where we apply for the building permit. We will also procure materials and provide an initial construction schedule.


Step 4: Construction 

The construction phase is started with site layout. We will also have key walkthroughs during the construction period.


Step 5: Completion

The punchlist starts the completion stage. We include training and closeout documents as applicable. This stage includes the warranty period.